New Jersey Apostille

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New Jersey apostille

What Is A New Jersey Apostille?

An apostille in New Jersey is a form of document authentication that certifies the genuineness of a public official's signature on a document and the capacity in which they signed. It's like a special seal of approval that verifies the document is legitimate for use in other countries.

Let's break this down a bit to understand it better:

Imagine you have an important legal document from New Jersey, like a birth certificate or a contract, that you must use overseas. The problem is, that officials in other countries have no easy way to know if that document is genuine and properly signed. They can't just call the notary or government office in New Jersey to check!

That's where the apostille comes in. It's an official certificate attached to the original document that says "This signature is the real deal." Getting an apostille is like getting your document a passport - it allows it to be recognized in other countries that are members of the 1961 Hague Apostille Convention.

So what does an apostille look like? In New Jersey, a printed form IsIt is a printed form. attached to the document. It includes:
- The signature of the New Jersey official certifying the document
- Their title
- The seal or stamp of their office
- A unique apostille ID number
- The date of issuance


New Jersey Apostille - Key Things

They don't certify the content of the document, only the signatures. It's still up to the receiving country to decide whether they'll accept the document.
Only certain documents can get an apostille - vital records, notarized documents, school records, etc.
The document must be signed by the right New Jersey official—either a notary, a government official like a county clerk, or the State Registrar for vital records.
You can only get an apostille from the state where the document was issued. You must go through their apostille process if your document is from another state.
Countries that haven't signed the Hague Convention may use a similar " legalization " process instead.

In summary, an apostille is a special form attached to documents by the state of New Jersey. It helps authenticate those documents so they'll be accepted by other countries, similar to how a passport allows you to travel freely. The process adds an extra layer of verification to combat fraud and forgery in international legal matters.

apostille or legalization

The following documents qualify for NJ apostilles:

We Provide Apostilles For:

  • Recordable documents
  • Non-recordable documents

Notary911 offers mobile notary and apostille services in one package. Get a quote for both services here.